Do NOT Hand Our Country Over to Thugs

You may have noticed I’ve avoided any political musings lately.  It’s a mental health thing.  Sometimes I just have to stay away from things that upset me too much.

There are some things I just can’t understand.  One is why the mainstream media is so blatantly leftist in their views.  Freedom of speech and freedom of the press are usually the first thing to go in leftist regimes.

Another is the way the rich idiots in Hollywood like to spout out how our government doesn’t look out for the little guy.  Well, if they’re so truly concerned, why don’t they just shut up and hand over all their excessive incomes to bail out their rich banker buddies.  After all, it was their candidate and good buddy, Bill Clinton, that insisted that banks make loans available to people that would never be able to pay them back.  Yes, the American dream of home ownership should be accessible to everyone–everyone who is willing and able to work hard and spend wisely.

We may have unknowingly let thugs weaken our country and rob us blind.  But come November, please do not just totally give up and hand over the country to thugs that hate America and everything we used to stand for.  Who would you rather hand over the reins to:

John McCain:  A man who loves this country and who bravely fought and suffered abuse in the company of other brave Americans to defend our country.  A man who is not afraid to do the right thing even if it’s not the popular thing to do.  A man with enough character that even the most die-hard liberal has trouble finding fault with.


Barack Obama:  A man who is influenced, supported and adored by criminals and America bashers galore (think William Ayers–former Pentagon-bombing thug; the America-damning Rev. Jeremiah Wright; and garden variety hypocrite and moron Michael Moore).  These are NOT nice people.  Most of us Americans still are.

No one may be able to totally fix this mess we’re in.  But someone could make it a hell of a lot worse!

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